35.51753466467794 24.015072852886792 https://casadipietrastore.gr/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/logo.svg

Hermes – The ‘Greek said it first’ Series

  • SKU: N/A


A special series of posters!

‘Greeks said it first’ is a series of posters that ‘take’ a funny look at the belief of some modern Greeks that their ancient ancestors were the first to discover and say many things, long before the rest of the world knows and believes today.

Well-known sayings and opinions, uttered by celebrities have changed little (sometimes not at all) to show that all this could well have been said by our ancient ancestors.

So, long before Shakespeare wrote one of his most famous poems about ‘Richard III’ (my kingdom for a horse), our Odysseus had said almost the same thousands of years ago (my kingdom for a wooden horse) .

The original, original opinion was stated by the following:

You’ve got mail (You’ve got mail, 1998. warner bros, Director: Nora Ephron)

Designed by Stavros Damos

Dimensions: 60 × 90 cm.

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